Access In-Depth White Papers on Scriptless Model-Based Test Automation by ConformIQ


How to Know if You are Ready For AI in Software Testing – A Practical Guide

We’ve just released a new e-book that’s a practical guide to help you figure out if your team is ready to dive into the AI wave in software testing.

Next Generation Testing: Transforming Software Test

Next Generation Testing: Transforming Software Test

Software complexity is increasing exponentially. Yet even today, an uncomfortably large part of testing in the industry is carried out entirely manually: test design, test execution and management of test assets. Conformiq 360○ Test Automation is transforming the testing process with unprecedented state-of-the-art technology. With Conformiq next-generation testing solutions, test design and testing efforts are significantly reduced, while testing quality is increase.

How to Succeed at Multi-Platform Testing

How to Succeed at Multi-Platform Testing

It should come as no surprise that the numbers of platforms and device types are more varied now than ever before. Customers continue to demand the latest devices, features and functionality, as well as increased mobility and accessibility. With the proliferation of mobile and portable device platforms and the Internet of Things, the workload of developers, and especially testers, has greatly increased. Naturally, there is a growing demand for more efficient and cost-effective testing across all platform.

Why Automate Test Design?

Why Automate Test Design?

The number of software applications, customer service portals, device types, and platforms has reached an all-time high. The need for reliable and efficient testing methods is more critical than ever before. Testing complexity and requirements are growing exponentially. Yet, many of today’s testing environments continue to use test design and test execution methods, dating back 20 years or even more.

Comparing Automated Test Design Methods

Comparing Automated Test Design Methods

How automatic is your automated test design process? There are three primary methods used in automated test design tools. They all deliver improvements in the test design process, but there are significant engine differences that you should fully understand prior to selecting your tools. In this paper we will compare and contrast these methods and discuss the limitations and benefits from each.

What You Need to Consider When Selecting an MBT Tool

What You Need to Consider When Selecting an MBT Tool

Interest towards model-based testing (MBT) has increased quite significantly over the last few years as testing has started to reach the limits of traditional test design approaches. At the same time, industry experts in fields such as financial services, retail, insurance, banking, telecommunications, and web-based services have started to see and understand the benefits that applying MBT has to the quality assurance function and the continued relevance and success of their businesses.

Testing Correctly: Your Guide to Test Design Techniques

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