How Visualizer Empowers Jira Teams with Seamless BDD and Test Automation

Oct 18, 2024 | Blogs

How can development and QA teams simplify their testing processes while embracing Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) practices? In the current Agile environments, teams often struggle to balance test automation with manual efforts, which can delay releases. ConformIQ Visualizer offers a game-changing solution for Jira users, making BDD and test automation not just accessible, but effortless. 

Alexis Despeyroux, AI specialist and Product Owner of ConformIQ Visualizer, helps users explore how this solution is transforming the way teams handle BDD. In this exclusive article, he answers frequently asked questions from users and industry experts. He delves into the inspiration behind Visualizer, the key problems it addresses for both development and QA teams, and how its innovative features help teams scale BDD practices while keeping Jira at the heart of their processes. From automating Gherkin files to integrating data-driven testing, ConformIQ Visualizer is setting new standards in the Atlassian ecosystem.


Q: Can you share the inspiration behind ConformIQ Visualizer and how it fits into the Atlassian ecosystem?

Alexis Despeyroux: The inspiration for Visualizer came from recognizing the challenges teams face in adopting BDD practices. While BDD is powerful, it’s also seen as complex and hard to implement. We wanted to simplify that, and since Jira is the backbone of project management for so many teams, it made sense to build a solution that integrates seamlessly within Jira’s workflows. Visualizer is a BDD tool that allows teams to write Gherkin scenarios conveniently, both in the traditional way and through visual business flow diagrams, even if they have no prior experience. Users with no prior BDD knowledge can create Gherkin through these visual diagrams, which are integrated directly with the Gherkin. Any new flow created or modified automatically updates the Gherkin. The key is that it fits naturally into Jira’s ecosystem, ensuring smooth synchronization between development and testing teams from the start of the project.


Q: What key challenges does ConformIQ Visualizer solve for development and QA teams, especially those using Jira? What specific problems were you trying to solve with this product?

Alexis Despeyroux: One of the major challenges we identified is that teams struggle with data integration in their test scenarios. Often, incorporating complex, data-driven scenarios into tests is either too time-consuming or requires specialized knowledge. Visualizer makes it easy to integrate data into Gherkin scenarios, ensuring comprehensive test coverage. Another issue is the disconnect between requirements and test automation. Teams typically have to bridge the gap between what’s written in the requirements and the actual test cases, which slows down the process. Visualizer simplifies that by moving seamlessly from requirement to test automation, speeding up the entire process and keeping everything inside Jira.


Q: Many teams find BDD harder to implement than expected. What do you think are the biggest misconceptions about BDD, and how does ConformIQ Visualizer make it easier to adopt within Jira?

Alexis Despeyroux: One of the biggest misconceptions about BDD is that it’s only for testers and developers. That’s simply not true. BDD is a collaborative process, and everyone from product owners to testers can be involved. The issue is that many tools are too technical for non-developers. That’s where Visualizer stands out—we provide a visual interface for Gherkin, so even non-technical users can contribute to writing test scenarios. By integrating Visualizer into Jira, we make sure that BDD is easy for the entire team to adopt, not just developers. Everyone can get involved without needing to understand code, and that speeds up adoption significantly.


Q: Jira users often struggle with a reliance on manual testing, slowing down their release cycles. How does Visualizer address this challenge with its test automation features?

Alexis Despeyroux: Manual testing can be a bottleneck for teams that need to move fast. Visualizer helps by automating the creation and maintenance of step definition files, which drastically reduces the time spent on repetitive manual tasks. This allows testers to focus on more strategic areas, like exploratory testing or edge cases. We enable teams to automate as much as possible within Jira, which accelerates execution and ultimately shortens release cycles. Additionally, by incorporating data-driven testing seamlessly, teams can execute a broader range of tests more quickly without needing to reconfigure things manually. Additionally, users can leverage ConformIQ’s on-demand large language models (LLMs) to create Gherkin scenarios from Jira requirements.


Q: With so many test automation plugins available, what makes ConformIQ Visualizer stand out? What unique features set it apart from other tools on the Atlassian Marketplace?

Alexis Despeyroux: Visualizer is unique because it not only simplifies BDD, but it also integrates data-driven testing directly into the workflow. While other tools might solely focus on automation, we emphasize collaboration across teams and making the process accessible to non-technical users. Our visual interface for Gherkin allows for easy scenario creation, and by keeping everything tightly integrated with Jira, it reduces the need to constantly switch between multiple platforms. Of course, there are still cases where teams may need to access other tools, but Visualizer significantly streamlines the core BDD and test automation workflows within Jira itself. We’re also excited about the AI-driven features, which help teams move from requirements to automation seamlessly. This combination of ease-of-use, collaboration, and AI is what sets us apart in the market.


Q: Can you walk us through a typical use case of how a team might use Visualizer to manage complex test cases within Jira?

Alexis Despeyroux: Sure! A typical use case might involve a team working on a large-scale project with multiple product requirements that need to be tested. The team would start by importing their requirements into Jira. From there, ConformIQ’s LLM can help generate Gherkin scenarios from those requirements, and this feature is available on-demand. Visualizer then allows the team to easily integrate any data-driven testing elements. As they move forward, they can leverage our automation capabilities to execute those test cases and ensure that all the requirements are met before moving into the next phase of development. Throughout this process, Visualizer keeps everything synchronized within Jira, so there’s no need for separate tools or manual updates.


Q: One of the standout features of Visualizer is its ability to handle complex, data-driven testing. Can you explain how this works and why it’s such a critical feature for teams working in Agile environments?

Alexis Despeyroux: Data-driven testing is essential for Agile teams that need to ensure comprehensive coverage without slowing down their processes. With Visualizer, teams can easily integrate real-world data into their Gherkin scenarios, allowing them to test various inputs and conditions. This is particularly important for ensuring that tests are thorough and not missing key edge cases. By making this process simple and accessible, we’re empowering teams to run more complex tests without requiring additional expertise in data handling.


Q: As both the product owner and AI specialist, can you share how AI is being integrated into Visualizer to enhance test automation? What role does AI play now, and what’s in store for the future?

Alexis Despeyroux: AI is already playing a huge role in Visualizer. For example, we use AI to convert requirements into Gherkin scenarios, helping teams go from user stories to automated tests quickly. In the future, AI will play an even bigger role in areas like smart test generation. We want to help teams anticipate test scenarios that they might not have considered or generate tests automatically based on previous results. The goal is to make testing faster, smarter, and more intuitive, and AI will be a key driver of that.


Q: What kind of feedback have you received from users so far, and how has that influenced the product’s development?

Alexis Despeyroux: The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive, especially around how easy it is to use Visualizer for non-technical team members. A lot of teams have told us that before using Visualizer, they struggled with getting everyone involved in the BDD process. Now, product owners, testers, and developers can all collaborate without needing to understand the technical nuances of Gherkin. We’ve also heard that the integration of data-driven testing has been a game-changer for many teams, allowing them to expand their testing coverage without slowing down the process. This feedback is helping us focus on further enhancing automation and adding more AI-powered features in upcoming releases.


Simplifying BDD with Visualizer

A recurring challenge for development and QA teams adopting BDD is the complexity of writing and managing Gherkin scenarios, especially for teams that are less familiar with the framework. Visualizer directly addresses this problem by providing a user-friendly interface that allows anyone to write Gherkin without prior experience. BDD is often perceived as a developer-heavy practice, but ConformIQ Visualizer brings the process to a wider audience within teams, from product owners to testers. By simplifying the Gherkin writing process, Visualizer encourages collaboration and ensures that non-technical users can also contribute to test scenarios. Furthermore, the integration of data within tests becomes effortless, allowing teams to build more comprehensive and data-driven test cases without extra complexity.


Addressing Automation Challenges in Jira

Many Jira users face challenges in managing manual testing, which can slow down their release cycles. Visualizer aims to solve this by automating test creation directly from Gherkin scenarios. This empowers teams to speed up execution while minimizing manual efforts. Automation tools can sometimes give a false sense of security, with teams assuming automated tests guarantee perfect results. However, ConformIQ Visualizer is designed to maintain high-quality testing standards while leveraging automation to accelerate execution. This way, teams can focus on strategic, high-priority tasks, rather than getting bogged down in manual, repetitive testing.


Standing Out in a Crowded Marketplace

With so many test automation plugins available for Jira, ConformIQ Visualizer stands out by offering a unique blend of features that streamline BDD adoption and test automation. Its visual approach to Gherkin writing eliminates the complexity of the process, and the advanced AI features help users transition from requirements to automated test cases effortlessly. Full data integration ensures teams can manage even the most complex test cases directly within Jira, making it an essential tool for teams looking to modernize their testing practices.


AI Integration and the Future of Visualizer

Looking ahead, Visualizer’s roadmap is packed with exciting AI-driven features. In the current version, Visualizer uses AI to convert requirements into Gherkin scenarios, making the transition from requirements to test automation almost seamless. Future updates will introduce AI tools that help teams generate missing test scenarios, speed up automation, and assist in matching Gherkin scripts to live website interactions for real-time execution. With these features, non-technical users can leverage AI-driven insights to improve test coverage and efficiency without deep technical expertise.


How to Leverage Visualizer

As shared in his final thoughts, Alexis Despeyroux suggests that teams start small and specific goals: For teams looking to improve their BDD and test automation practices, my advice is to focus on collaboration and leveraging tools that make complex tasks easier. Visualizer is built to help users get the most value out of Jira by providing seamless integration, automation, and a visual approach to writing Gherkin.



ConformIQ Visualizer is redefining how teams use Jira to implement BDD and streamline their test automation efforts. With its visual approach to Gherkin, seamless data-driven testing integration, and advanced AI-driven features, Visualizer provides a unique solution that enables teams to move faster without compromising quality. Whether you’re new to BDD or a seasoned expert, Visualizer makes it easier to collaborate, automate, and deliver exceptional software on time.

Ready to simplify your BDD and test automation processes? Get a free trial of ConformIQ Visualizer on the Atlassian Marketplace or write to us at for a customized free demo.