How to Approach Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) with Easy BDD Tools

Jul 5, 2024 | Blogs

Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) is an Agile software development approach that emerged from the Test-Driven Development (TDD) methodology. It encourages collaboration among different stakeholders, to align their understanding of a software application. BDD introduces the core practice of the “3 Amigos Concept“, which involves the business, the development, and the testing/QA teams. This trio discusses the user story’s acceptance criteria to achieve a shared perception of the task, defining what to build, how to test it, and the expected behavior.

The 3 amigos strategy offers benefits more than just improved communication; it really helps clear up requirements and sort out potential issues early on. By bringing different perspectives together at the same table, each participant can share their viewpoint, adding up to a much clearer big picture. 

The solution approach should make it easier for the three amigos to understand and verify the application’s behavior against business requirements and ensure that the scenarios defined during BDD sessions are directly translated into executable test scripts, promoting accuracy and efficiency. In this article, we will review (at a high level) how you can tackle a BDD project with the use of the right BDD solution.  


Three Main Issues that BDD Can Solve


1. Miscommunication Between Team Members



Miscommunication between technical members (such as product managers, developers, UX designers, and quality assurance professionals) can lead to software that does not meet the requirements or expectations of the business and its users. Having a misunderstanding about a solution’s functionality can result in costly reworks and delays.

The Right BDD Approach

BDD emphasizes collaboration and communication through the use of a common, domain-specific language that is understandable by all stakeholders. The Scenarios are written in plain language (using the Given-When-Then format), which helps everyone on the team understand exactly what the software should do. This approach reduces ambiguity and ensures that all team members have a clear, consistent understanding of the project requirements and expected outcomes.


2. Difficulty in Managing Changing Requirements



In many development processes, changing requirements can disrupt the workflow, leading to scope creep and projects that are delivered late or over budget. Any company that wants to adapt to these changes can find it very challenging, especially if the initial requirements and their impact are not clearly understood or communicated.

The Right BDD Approach

By defining behaviors as part of the requirements process, BDD allows teams to focus on what the software should accomplish rather than how it should be implemented. This makes it easier to adapt when requirements change, as the impact of changes on existing behaviors can be assessed more clearly. Scenarios can be updated collaboratively to reflect new requirements, providing a dynamic and responsive approach to development.


3. Quality Assurance and Regression Issues



Ensuring high-quality software delivery, especially with complex applications, can be overwhelming. Traditional testing methods may leave gaps in test coverage or may not adequately ensure that the software meets business needs. Furthermore, regression issues can easily arise when new features disrupt existing functionalities.

The Right BDD Approach

BDD integrates automated testing as a core part of the development process. Since scenarios written in BDD directly translate into automated tests, this approach ensures that all critical behaviors are tested from the start. These automated tests are run frequently, allowing teams to catch and fix errors early. As new features are added or existing features are modified, the BDD tests can help ensure that changes do not break existing functionality, thus reducing the risk of regressions.


Overall, BDD aligns software development with business needs by promoting better communication, adapting to changes smoothly, and ensuring a high level of quality and test coverage throughout the development lifecycle.

This vision is what inspired the creation of ConformIQ Visualizer, a powerful tool designed to foster collaboration. Its features allow for building and visually representing requirements in BPMN, and automating scenarios in a shared space.

ConformIQ Visualizer is a tool designed to transform the way software testing is done helping design the tool from a model or directly from the code of high-quality test cases. This visual Gherkin approach aids in implementing BDD by allowing teams to create visual models or directly Gherkin code that represents the expected behavior of the system. 


Using ConformIQ Visualizer for your BDD projects


Using ConformIQ Visualizer helps bridge the gap between traditional manual test case design and automated behavior-driven development processes, enhancing both the efficiency and effectiveness of testing in software development projects

For detailed information, please visit our website here


Overcoming BDD Deployment Challenges


Deploying BDD effectively across a project can be challenging due to issues like tool compatibility, test complexity, and team coordination. ConformIQ Visualizer helps mitigate many of these challenges:

  • One significant hurdle in BDD implementation is ensuring that the tools used are compatible with existing development and testing ecosystems. ConformIQ Visualizer is designed to integrate smoothly with popular Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) tools such as Jira, GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Azure DevOps, and Cucumber JS. It provides a seamless workflow from requirements management to test execution, which is critical for maintaining the BDD lifecycle.
  • Another challenge is the automation of test execution and effective issue tracking. ConformIQ Visualizer excels here by not only synchronizing the Gherkin model and Test step definition from the defined behavior models but also by facilitating the generation of detailed reports. These features enhance traceability and allow for quicker responses to issues that arise during testing phases, ensuring that defects are tracked and addressed efficiently, in line with BDD practices.


Check out ConformIQ Visualizer on the Atlassian Marketplace


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ConformIQ Visualizer plays a pivotal role in realizing the full potential of BDD by bridging the gap between technical and non-technical team members, automating crucial testing processes, and ensuring high compatibility and integration with existing tools. Adopting ConformIQ Visualizer not only simplifies the complexities associated with BDD but also elevates the overall efficiency and effectiveness of software development cycles.


Know the Author

Alexis Despeyroux

CTO, ConformIQ

You can connect with him at or through Linkedin