
MBT Generates Tests You Can’t Think Of

Most of you probably know or have at least heard that Model Based Testing (MBT) is a new innovative technology in which tools help you to create better tests with automated generation, and with Conformiq the generation is automatic plus provides a direct path to automated test execution, but that is not the topic of this blog. What I want to ...

TechM’s DevOps-Ready Test Execution Platform

Tech Mahindra – an Indian multinational specialist in digital transformation, consulting and business re-engineering solutions across the Enterprise/IT and Communications markets– has created a DevOps platform called “Continuous Test Management” or CTM for short where an integral part is “Continuous Testing” as they call it. CTM is essentially a ...

Extending Conformiq MBT Beyond Functional Testing

Conformiq is a technology provider for advanced Model Based Test (MBT) automation. At the heart of this capability is our engine which automatically generates functional test cases from a model of the system you are testing. The technology assumes no implementation details of the system and we validate whether the given system conforms to its ...

System Modeling vs. Test Modeling: Complexity

Creating a system model – a model that directly describes the intended system behavior – is “easier” than creating tester models – models that describe the testing strategies themselves. This position has been demonstrated both within practical and theoretical frameworks. This correlates well with day-to-day observations of test managers: ...

Conformiq Designer: For Testers or Developers?

We are asked every now and then whether Conformiq Designer is a tool for testers or a tool for developers. After all, it is a tool for automated test design and it automatically generates tests from computer readable models that describe the intended behavior of the tested system. It is important to understand that these models do not directly ...

Why One Testing Design Method Isn’t Enough

Every now and then Conformiq Designer and Creator are compared against other testing tools that employ one type of test design heuristic, for example a combinatorial testing tool for generating optimized pair-wise test data. The capability of generating such combinatorial data combinations is one testing method that in practice has been observed ...

Test Design Techniques: Conformiq’s Insights

Test design concerns making the decisions on (1) what to and what not to test, (2) how to stimulate the system and with what data values, and (3) how the system should react and respond to the stimuli. It is a separate task from test execution and is done before executing the tests against the system. Test design techniques, on the other hand, are ...

Conditional Coverage Heuristics Explained

Some time ago I wrote a short blog post about equivalence partitioning and boundary value analysis. Now with new version of Conformiq Designer coming out very soon we have introduced quite a few new testing heuristics and coverage options that are based on equivalence class partitioning I wanted to write about how Conformiq can use these new ...

Combinatorial Test Data Generation with Conformiq

Suppose a system model states that when a message comes in, it is forwarded out unchanged. This particular message has a number of fields, some of them integers, some strings. For some reason there is cause to suspect that the forwarding feature in the real implementation might be flawed, so we would like to have a number of different message ...

Distributed Test Generation

As detailed in a blog post I wrote a couple of months ago, the core of Conformiq DesignerTM is a custom crafted  semantics driven, symbolic state space exploration  algorithm for test generation from system models (because this is really the only known solution that robustly generates both test inputs and outputs from a system model without user ...

Selecting the Right MBT Tool: Key Factors

Interest towards model-based testing has increased quite significantly over the years as people have started to reach limits of traditional approaches and at the same time started to see and understand the benefits that applying MBT can have to the quality assurance function. In this blog post, I’m outlining what is really important when you are ...

ECP & BVA as Black Box Test Design Heuristics

Boundary value analysis is a refinement of the equivalence class partitioning method which again is one of the most generally applicable methods for black-box test design. The idea of equivalence class partitioning is to divide the all possible inputs to the system into “equivalence classes”, i.e. sets of inputs that should produce “analogous” ...