
Model-Driven Workflow in Software Testing

Recently I wrote a blog post about the action language adopted and standardized by the OMG (Object Management Group) called Action Language for fUML or Alf where I alluded about something that I call “model driven workflow” (MDW) — a modeling workflow that embraces modeling across the whole software development lifecycle integrating design, ...

Modeling with ALF Action Language in Testing

I remember more than 10 years ago when we were making a decision on what the modeling language we should be using for creating Conformiq Designer models. It was quite clear that we wanted to have a graphical notation that the user could use to capture high-level control flow and life cycle of objects as well as event loop structures and high-level ...

Conformiq Test Generation Technology Insights

Quite often when people talk about MBT (Model Based Testing) they intuitively assume that model is always something with “boxes and arrows”; that is the model in MBT needs to be graphical and it is constructed out of some kind of nodes or vertices which are then connected using arrows of some sort. To some, model may simply mean a state chart or ...

Executable UML/SysML in MBT: A Dream?

In many industries, like aerospace, defense, telecommunication and others, it’s becoming common to use UML/SysML to describe system architectures. With the introduction of OMG fUML, many companies began refining their models to the level where they became executable. The next big step is to adopt model-based testing in which standard executable ...

Conformiq Transformer: Automated Test Execution

We all know the power of test automation and model-based testing (MBT). But has your traditional test automation approach lived up to its promise? Do you spend 70% of your time in test execution? Do you use a variety of software development lifecycle (SDLC) tools? Do you have legacy test and manual tests you want to use, along ...

What’s New in Conformiq Creator? Latest Updates

Our new Conformiq Creator 2.1.3 release is available now! As you know, Conformiq Creator, part of the Conformiq 360○ Test Automation solution, provides the most sophisticated and comprehensive automated test design solution in the industry, enabling the next generation of testing for complex testing environments. It accelerates the software ...

MBT’s Role in Internationalizing Your Product

We live today in a world where we can quickly establish a call from our computer to people living on the opposite side of the world. Our applications can be used anywhere, even in places we have never heard of! With the 21th century, we entered an era of big challenges around internationalization of products. How can tests deal with so many ...

When to Stop Modeling: A Conformiq Perspective

Model-based testing saves you lots of time and money. It’s true, and believe me - I’m deeply convinced about that. Model-based testing helps you generate better tests faster, with better quality. Something else the test manager must be aware of: it’s fun to create models! Who would not prefer to create models rather than create tests manually? ...

Keyword-Driven MBT: Future of Web App Testing

The challenge of testing web applications is becoming more and more predominant in our world. Basically the big challenge is how to describe what we want tested in a graphical manner, while facing frequent changes to the user interface with little time and ever-increasing application complexity. Usually, we as testers base our test cases on ...

Demanding 100% Functional Coverage

Are you doing functional testing, and facing these challenges? Does your product have to get to market faster? Is its complexity increasing in every release? Are your release cycles getting even shorter? Do you need to reduce testing costs? If you are facing any, or all, of these challenges, you are reading the right ...

Automate Everything: Transform Your Testing

Probably every test manager dreams of a world where test scripts work the first time, where tests and test scripts are maintained automatically, and where our test team spends their time on finding faults and going deeper in the system rather than redoing the same tests again and again because of changes in the specification. A dream where every ...

Conformiq Keeps It Real at UCAAT

Many conferences in Europe target testing, but if I need to choose just one, I definitely choose UCAAT! The Conformiq team was in Sophia Antipolis, France last week at UCAAT, demonstrating our solutions. For anyone who does not know about UCAAT, it is ETSI’s annual User Conference on Advanced Automated Testing, focusing on both automated test ...