About ConformIQ Pioneers in AI-Powered Scriptless Test Automation
ConformIQ Holding, a leading software technology company, focused on automating the testing process – from test design to automate test execution. Our Intelligent Test Automation approach will help you improve software development efficiency, decrease costs and achieve higher quality in Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC). ConformIQ Holding will provide sales, support and continued innovative technology development to all Conformiq Inc customers.
With ConformIQ, our clients can achieve High Quality@Speed through implementing a no-touch, script-free smart testing platform. With a high level of test automation and low test maintenance, ConformIQ solutions enable in-sprint test automation in agile software development. Our competitive edge is based on our pioneering leadership in applying Artificial Intelligence approaches in Automation, automated test generation algorithms that actually think of and automatically design directly executable test cases and seamless integration with commercial and open source software testing tools.
- Founded in 1998
- Private, venture funded
- Software and support services
- Conformiq Creator and Conformiq Designer
- 3rd generation of software
- General purpose, functional automatic test design software
- Worldwide locations:
- San Jose, CA, USA (HQ)
- Helsinki, Finland (R&D)
- Stockholm, Sweden
- Paris, France
- Bangalore, India (R&D)
- Hyderabad, India (Support Partner)
- Partner with all major SDLC tool providers
- Customers worldwide
- Enterprise/IT & Networking markets
- Banking, Insurance, Retail, Telecom operators & equipment, Manufacturing, Embedded…

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